Karen Day has written, produced and directed 11 documentary films and hosted and produced more than 50 features for national television. Her exclusive news segments from Iraq, Afghanistan and Myanmar have appeared on NBC NIGHTLY NEWS, BBC, CNN and LINK TV. The PLUM TV series WOMEN WITH A CAUSE:CAROLE KING earned the 2009 Idaho Press Club Award for Best Independent Environmental Series and an EMMY for Best Independent Television Series. Her documentaries focus on humanitarian issues and include the award-winning, CONVERSATIONS FOR PEACE WITH THE DALAI LAMA: ETHICS FOR THE NEW MILLENIUM. Actress Jamie Lee Curtis narrates LEARNING TO BE DIFFERENT, Day’s film about the extraordinary work of the Lee Pesky Learning Center, empowering children with learning disabilities. Day has written, directed and produced five films about AFRICA. BETWEEN THE EARTH AND SKY premiered at the 2012 Sun Valley Film Festival. Filmed in South Sudan, the documentary was co- produced with Massachusetts General Hospital Division of Global Health and Human Rights. Film critic, George Prentice, reviewed the film as “a delicately crafter masterpiece…and an uplifting chronicle of the first generation of physicians in the newest nation of the world.” in 2013, Day’s premiered her 10th film, FROM THE GROUND UP , the story of an inspiring grassroots project by HARVARD students that is successfully reducing deadly child malnutrition in Uganda. GIRL FROM GOD’S COUNTRY, Day’s new documentary, reveals a forgotten generation of female film pioneers. Actress Geena Davis appears in the documentary that premieres at 2015 film festivals around the globe.